The Pursuit of Truth
Guided by the Intellectual Tradition of the Catholic Church.

The great Greek philosopher Socrates once said he would rather "die a thousand deaths" than abandon the truth. TAN Courses is an online platform from TAN Books that brings together high-quality University-level lectures from renowned professors of Theology, Philosophy, Literature, and Scripture, all in pursuit of the Truth.

Our high-quality video lectures are for Catholics who desire to grow in their love of knowledge and pursuit of Truth without the annoyances of admissions offices, student debt, and modern ideologies.

Taught by Catholic Scholars from Elite Institutions

Elon U

Elon University

Hillsdale College

Hillsdale College

Providence College

Providence College

St Louis U

St. Louis University

Thomas More

Thomas More College

University of St Thomas

University of St. Thomas


Catholic University of America


Franciscan University of Steubenville

Christendom College

Christendom College

Ave Maria

Ave Maria University

Notre Dame-1

Notre Dame

Belmont Abbey-1

Belmont Abbey College

Devices hero-bigger

Feed Your Mind and Soul

TAN Courses is made by TAN Books, the publisher you can trust with your faith. Explore the treasury of knowledge that is central to Catholic tradition, without the worry of the influence of worldly agendas. Each course is comprised of half-hour video lectures taught by the world's brightest thinkers that will form you both intellectually and spiritually.

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