Portrait of a small stylish beautiful model girl who stands in the autumn mountains at sunset and holds a bouquet of flowers in her hands

About TAN Academy

TAN Academy is a comprehensive, Catholic, K-12 homeschool curriculum which seeks to educate students and families to desire the highest things —the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Our mission is two-fold: educating children and forming families.

We respect parents as the primary educators of their children. You know your children best. TAN Academy promotes a blend of traditional and classical methodologies, but allows for flexibility for each family's needs. The beauty of homeschooling arises from adapting the education to each individual child, not forcing every child to conform to a predetermined educational method.

The family is the foundation of society. If the family is properly focused on knowing, loving, and serving God, it can best fulfill its divine responsibility to serve as God’s instrument for bringing grace into this world: better families bring about a better society.

We provide beautiful, solid curriculum products that ensure an outstanding education for every child and ultimately fosters sanctity in each family that uses them.

We trust you to use our materials in the way that you as the parent best see fit to bring about these two goals.

Flexibility is the key to success.

Homeschooling should never be stressful on a family. Many parents are hesitant to homeschool because they worry that they can't keep their children "entertained" for eight hours a day. The good news is, you don't have to!

TAN Academy was developed by veteran and current homeschooling parents. We understand that sometimes, life happens. Homeschool should fit into family life, not the other way around. As an enrolled family, one of the benefits you enjoy is beautiful, easy going lesson plans.

Some families take a more "eclectic" approach and want to bring books they already own to a reading unit, etc. That's fine, too! Our curriculum materials are created so that they can easily be customized to different age groups, types of learners (visual, textile, etc.) and abilities, so that each child is able to understand and enjoy the material.

Portrait of a small stylish beautiful model girl who stands in the autumn mountains at sunset and holds a bouquet of flowers in her hands

TAN Academy promotes two approaches for homeschooling success:

Classical Education

Children were not meant to sit in the same seat for eight hours.

There, we said it.

Classical Education, which was the standard until the 20th century, focuses on educating the whole child. It views a child as a moral person, a lover of the liberal arts and natural sciences, and a well-formed thinker, rather than a machine to consume and regurgitate facts.

The best part? Classical Education is concerned with the quality of the education, not the length of time spent on the material. That means most school days can be finished in half the time of a traditional school day!

Schoolhouse Method

Can you imagine having five school-aged children, managing five different course offerings, a five different sets of textbooks, worksheets, activities, assessments, and materials?

We can't either.

Many of TAN Academy's curriculum materials are designed with the Schoolhouse Method in mind. Think of the one-room schoolhouses of old—everyone learned the same subject in an age-appropriate way. This isn't just a nostalgic retelling of simpler times—the Schoolhouse Method is proven to help boost material retention and preserve the patience of homeschooling mothers everywhere.

Our academic coaches are eager to get to know your family's individual situation, brainstorm strategies for success, help you decide what you really need (and what you don't), and support you each step of the way.

Additionally, we have a private Facebook group for enrolled families, where parents can support each other, share what they've found to be useful, and hear about the latest TAN Academy news and info before the public does.

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Curriculum materials for TAN Academy are produced by TAN Books, a longstanding and trusted source for orthodox, traditional Catholicism.

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TAN Academy is a flexible curriculum model that enables parents to educate in the home in a way that best suits their family and their children's individual needs.


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Since we publish of many of the books used in our curriculum, we can cut out the middle man and pass those savings to the families.

Take the First Step Today

Choosing a homeschool curriculum is not a decision to be taken lightly. Take some time to pore through our visually stunning and  product lines and academically solid materials, schedule a one-on-one session with one of our expert academic coaches, or learn the full benefits of enrolling in TAN Academy and sign up today. If you still have questions, our customer service representatives are ready to help you make an informed decision for your family.

Portrait of a small stylish beautiful model girl who stands in the autumn mountains at sunset and holds a bouquet of flowers in her hands