Declaration Statesmanship: A Course in American Government
Taught by Ricard Ferrier, Ph.D. Declaration Statesmanship is a one of a kind American Government high school course. It unites history, philosophy, and civics in a dynamic blend of narrative and argument. The authors of the course continually endeavor to match the thoughtfulness and elegance of the multiplicity of original sources and fundamental texts found in…
Read MoreHigh School World History
Taught by Chris Cona Join TAN Academy’s journey through salvation history to better understand Christ and our own place in his plan! TAN Academy presents a 32-part history lecture series on American History for the high school level following Dr. Anne Carroll’s Christ the King Lord of History. Chris Cona provides a comprehensive examination of the…
Read MoreHigh School Ancient History
Taught by Hanael Bianchi, Ph.D. Join TAN Academy’s journey through salvation history to better understand Christ and our own place in his plan! TAN Academy presents a 32-part history lecture series on Ancient History for the high school level following The Founding of Christendom by Dr. Warren Carroll. Lecturer Dr. Hanael Bianchi brings the ancient world alive…
Read MoreHistory: The Early Church & Medieval Times
Taught by Kathleen Lewis Join TAN Academy’s journey through salvation history to better understand Christ and our own place in his plan! TAN Academy presents a 31- part history lecture series on The Early Church and Medieval times (33 A.D. – 1309 A.D.) for the middle school level following The Old World and America and The Story of the Church.…
Read MoreHistory: Renaissance to Modern Times
Taught by Kathleen Lewis Join TAN Academy’s journey through salvation history to better understand Christ and our own place in his plan! TAN Academy presents a 30-part history lecture series on The Renaissance and Modern Times (1517 – 1965) for the middle school level following The Old World and America and The Story of the Church. Kathleen Lewis engages middle…
Read MoreAn Introduction to Economics
Taught by Hannah King, Ph.D.. It must not be supposed that the Church so concentrates her energies on caring for souls as to overlook things which pertain to mortal and earthly life. ~Pope St. Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, no. 42 TAN Academy introduces a 32-part introductory lecture series on economics for high schoolers. These lectures, taught…
Read MoreHomer’s Odyssey: The World Without Fathers
Taught by Henry Russell, Ph.D. Why should a Catholic study Homer? These ancient texts and the world view they represent are part of the pre-Christian era and so lack the revelation of Jesus Christ. However, because men of all times and places are made for God, all civilizations reveal the pursuit of truth and represent…
Read MoreVirgil’s Aeneid: The Founding of Nations in the Will of God
Taught by Henry Russell, Ph.D. Why should a Catholic study Virgil? These ancient texts and the world view they represent are part of the pre-Christian era and so lack the revelation of Jesus Christ. However, because men of all times and places are made for God, all civilizations reveal the pursuit of truth and represent…
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